Logging off a session. Any idea on how to fix it? However, I am able to import other custom modules from that same network location just fine with PS 3. Terminal Services PowerShell Module. ImportModuleCommand Yes, the Cassia. Category Remote Desktop Services. powershell psterminalservices

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Terminal Services PowerShell Module

No more legacy applications text parsing! It is likely to work on other platforms as well. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the sample scripts and documentation remains with you.

Displaying a message box in a session. So basically Shay created some wrappers around it in the form of advanced functions. However, PowerShell doesn't seem to "see" it. However, I've found that the solution detailed here http: Operation is not supported.

PSTerminalServices — Error Or will I have to do it myself? Microsoft further disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. Of course you also need the appropriate permission on the remote machine to be able to manage it. What errors do you get?


The sample scripts are psterminalsservices AS IS without warranty of any kind. I am pstermijalservices this command:. PSTerminalServices May 09, Get-TSProcess - Gets a list of processes running in a specific session or in all sessions. Hi ScriptFanatic I downloaded v1. Stop-TSProcess — Terminates the process running in a specific session or in all sessions. The module is based on an open source project named Cassia version 2. But still i am getting issues.

powershell psterminalservices

Luke, please download and install powerhsell latest version from http: So a side from setting a Terminal Service GPO to kick disconnected sessions that have been idle for a determined period of time I would like to know if anyone knows how I could use SCOM or something to find all disconnected sessions given a determined NT User…. En ce mois de Septembre nous celebrons le troisieme anniversaire du French PowerShell User group. There was a space at the end of the line.

powershell psterminalservices

Anyone else having this problem with PSTerminalServices? Someone recently asked me how to trigger code at specific times without psterminakservices the scheduled tasks. I will update the link in the post in a minute. Everything works after restarting the computer. This module is based on a.

Disclaimer The sample scripts are not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service. Moreover, it appears and disappears. Port is opened.

powershell psterminalservices

Get-TSSession - Lists the sessions on a given terminal server. Favorites Add to favorites. Articles on this Page showing articles 1 to 20 of


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